A Place to Post All that I Love

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

For the Bronies

Rainbow Dash Pin
So my husband and I have this friend who stopped by the other day and remarked on how cool he thought my jewelry was. This friend in particular is a dedicated brony and suggested I make some items for my shop that would befit a manly My Little Pony fan. I loved the idea and so I started to do my "research" on the new My Little Pony tv show, this consisted of watching every episode that was available on Netflix.

Pinkie Pie Cutie Mark Pin
I was already familiar with MLP because I used to watch the older version when I was young along with the care bears. In fact one of my friends from school would always bring up the fact that her mom sang the theme song for that show.

Fluttershy Cutie Mark Pin
Anyway after watching several episodes I discovered that not only was my personality a cross between Applejack and Fluttershy, but I had found what I wanted to make. The cutie marks were perfect for making tie tacks and they make for a subtle way to show off brony pride. Anyone who wasn't a brony wouldn't know any better, but a fellow fan would be able to tell from a mile away. Here are a few pics from my brony collection take a look.


Applejack Cutie Mark Pin.

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