A Place to Post All that I Love

Friday, September 14, 2012

In Commemoration

Edelweiss Polymer Flower
Today my uncle passed away. I don't know how I feel. When I'm alone in my room I feel pretty good except for an empty spot inside of me, but when I try to talk with others I begin to cry. I loved my uncle, he was always the one to make you laugh, and his kindness and chivalry towards women was unsurpassed. I was always in awe of how he treated his dear wife Karen. Don't get me wrong he always had a sarcastic remark or two to make, but his heart ran deep with love for his sweet family. I loved my uncle too with all my heart even if I didn't get to see him as much as i would have liked. I will remember him.

Edelweiss Ring
This flower is for him and for all who have loved ones beyond the grave. It is the edelweiss flower from Austria. If your remember the "Sound of Music" the song says: "blossom of snow may you bloom and grow, bloom and grow forever." to me this song represents the legacy of those who have passed on, as long as we are here to remember them, their legacy will bloom and grow forever. The white of the flower represents the hope of how they will continue to live on in us.

Edelweiss Polymer Flower
On the back this flower reads:

In loving memory. His legacy shall be the life of his kids and the memories of his family. May his family and memory forever bloom and grow.

This flower is not for sale on my shop but can be made by special order for those who wish to commemorate loved ones.

After writing this post I realize what I'm feeling is heartbreak. I'll miss you Doug.

This post is in loving memory of my uncle.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

For the Bronies

Rainbow Dash Pin
So my husband and I have this friend who stopped by the other day and remarked on how cool he thought my jewelry was. This friend in particular is a dedicated brony and suggested I make some items for my shop that would befit a manly My Little Pony fan. I loved the idea and so I started to do my "research" on the new My Little Pony tv show, this consisted of watching every episode that was available on Netflix.

Pinkie Pie Cutie Mark Pin
I was already familiar with MLP because I used to watch the older version when I was young along with the care bears. In fact one of my friends from school would always bring up the fact that her mom sang the theme song for that show.

Fluttershy Cutie Mark Pin
Anyway after watching several episodes I discovered that not only was my personality a cross between Applejack and Fluttershy, but I had found what I wanted to make. The cutie marks were perfect for making tie tacks and they make for a subtle way to show off brony pride. Anyone who wasn't a brony wouldn't know any better, but a fellow fan would be able to tell from a mile away. Here are a few pics from my brony collection take a look.


Applejack Cutie Mark Pin.

Blogsy to the Rescue

I have been having the hardest time getting my blog set up the way I want it to be for a multiple reasons. The main one being that I don't have a computer, I only have an iPad it was frustrating to find time to borrow the laptop from my husband but now thanks to the fabulous blogsy, blogging with the iPad has never been easier. I can easily crate links, adjust photos, and post a single blog to all of my networks! Thank you blogsy for saving my iPad from being thrown out my third story window! If you are at all skeptical about this app please check out their Site for yourself @Blogsy for iPad.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

My New Store is Opened


Today is an epic day in the life of Melanie Stephenson. It's the day I started my etsy shop. I am still working out how to use my blog, but in the meantime please check out my shop!
